Insecticide made from a relative of chrysanthemum
Controls insects on vegetables, on ornamentals, indoors
& on livestock
CONTAINS: 0.96% Pyrethrins and 9.6%
Piperonyl Butoxide
USE ON: Many vegetables, ornamentals,
livestock, pets, and in households & barns,
as space spray, and to control mosquitoes
CONTROLS: On vegetables and
ornamentals; aphids, whiteflies, beetles,
and worms. Pets and livestock; fleas,
mites, lice, flies, gnats, and mosquitoes.
Households and other areas; ants, roaches,
silverfish, spiders, and many others. Space
Spray: mosquitoes, flies, wasps, and others.
RATE: Vegetables and ornamentals;
2/3 – 2 teaspoons per gal. See label for surface spray,
space spray, mosquito control and livestock rates.
APPLICATION: As a thorough spray or dip.
PACKED: 12 x 8oz. – #10401