Contains 4 nutrients for palms, including Manganese
Prevent deficiency that may cause yellowing, browning,
curling & permanent injury in palms
CONTAINS: 2.5% Manganese, 1.5%
Magnesium, and 1.0% Iron.
USE ON: Palms, and other ornamentals.
CONTROLS: Nutritional deficiencies
in palms.
RATE: 1 – 2 tablespoons per gallon.
APPLICATION: Apply as a thorough
cover spray to run off. Try to spray
directly into heart.
PACKED: 12 x Pt. – #01972
4 x Gal. – #01974
For help on nutritional deficiencies of palms refer to:
University of Florida Extension Publication (IFAS)
“Care and Maintenance of Landscape Palms in South” or “Palm
Nutrition Guide”